Data School


Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis | Mirko Tobias Schäfer on Entrepreneurial Research

For “Big data Histories”, a special issue of the Journal for Media History, Karin van Es and Eef Masson interviewed the Data School co-founder and project lead Mirko Tobias Schäfer. In this interview he describes our distinct approach to research the impact of data and digitization. Initially it was lack of funding that pointed us to commissioned research projects, but quickly we noticed the value of mutual knowledge transfer and the rich insights that came with working within the societal sectors. This method of entrepreneurial research has become a productive way of critical inquiry and it connects our teaching and research to societal sectors and manifests in immediate impact. In this interview, Mirko discusses also the work of Paul Lazarsfeld as pioneering ‘participatory action research’.

Read the full interview at TMG Online

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