Data School


Call for Participants | Summer School 2024: ‘Exploring Culture Through Data’

Are you looking for an enriching experience during your summer holidays? Do you want to broaden your horizons and learn a whole new skillset? Are you interested in working with rich datasets, but have no idea where to start? Then look no further than the Data School summer course 2024! From Monday the 5th to…

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Call for Participants | Data School Summer School 2022: ‘Exploring Culture Through Data’

Are you curious, eager to learn and would you like to have an enriching experience during your summer holidays? The Data School Summer School would make a great opportunity! We are more than happy to invite you to the Utrecht Data Summer School 2022. From Monday the 15th until Friday the 19th of August, Data…

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Ethics Colloquium

The Data Science Ethics colloquium is a biweekly series of meetings, organized throughout the year, which consist of  A lecture on ethical and legal aspects of data science projects A discussion session in which the students reflect on the lecture  

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Personalisation for (public) media

Recommender systems are an integral part of our daily media consumption: they compile playlists on Spotify, suggest movies on Netflix, and select (news) content for personalized social media feeds on e.g., Facebook or Twitter.  In the age of information overload, recommender systems provide orientation and help users with making choices. Through data collection and statistical…

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Data Mining

Cultural analytics concerns the use of data and digital methods for the inquiry of (large) cultural corpora. Using text mining and statistical analysis with R, exploratory programming and digital methods, students will employ data mining techniques on text, image or video archives. The objective is to develop insights into patterns of cultural production and media…

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Onderwijs voor professionals

Life Long Learning is een speerpunt van Universiteit Utrecht. Data School ontwikkelt en verzorgt onderwijs voor professionals, op het gebied van verantwoorde datapraktijken, publieke debatten en de (sociale) media. Alle trainingen zijn beschikbaar in het Nederlands en het Engels. De workshop met De Ethische Data Assistent is daarnaast ook beschikbaar in het Duits. Een aanbod…

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MSc Applied Data Science

Binnen het masterprogramma Applied Data Science verzorgt Data School de cursus Data Mining, Personalisation for (public) media en het doorlopende Ethics Colloquium. Omdat de master Engelstalig is, worden de genoemde cursussen in het Engels gegeven. Meer informatie over de master en inschrijving is te vinden op deze pagina: Applied Data Science

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MA New Media & Digital Culture

Binnen de Master of Arts New Media & Digital Culture verzorgen docenten van Data School verschillende cursussen. Ook bieden we onderzoeksstages aan studenten van NMDC in blok 3 en 4 van het academisch jaar. Deze stages zijn erop gericht om actief bij te dragen aan lopende onderzoeken bij Data School. Ook is er ruimte voor…

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Practicum Data School biedt een uitgebreide inleiding in dataverzameling, data-analyse en visualisatie. In een cursus (niveau 3) van tien weken ervaren studenten het proces om van (big) data naar kennis te gaan. Door middel van praktische tutorials leren de studenten werken met verschillende programma’s zoals Excel, R, Tableau en Gephi. Daarnaast plaatst de cursus de…

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Call for Participants | Online Data School Summer School 2021: ‘Exploring Culture Through Data’

Are you curious, eager to learn and would you like to have an enriching experience during your summer holidays? The Data School Summer School would make a great opportunity! We are more than happy to invite you to the Utrecht Data Summer School 2021. From Monday 19th of July until Friday 23st of July, we…

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