Data School


Call for Participants | Online Data School Summer School 2021: ‘Exploring Culture Through Data’

Are you curious, eager to learn and would you like to have an enriching experience during your summer holidays? The Data School Summer School would make a great opportunity! We are more than happy to invite you to the Utrecht Data Summer School 2021. From Monday 19th of July until Friday 23st of July, we…

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Van scherm naar straat

Nederlanders protesteren wat af. Zo klonk er afgelopen weekend nog in heel het land een #klimaatalarm en protesteerden mensen op het #Malieveld tegen de coronamaatregelen. Protestgroepen vinden elkaar op sociale media en roepen op tot protest. Hoe organiseren protestgroepen zich online en wat is de rol van de mainstream media hierin? In hoeverre zien we…

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The impact of COVID-19 on the operation processes of Data School (DEDA)

It is fair to state that COVID-19 has caused a shock-wave across society and also affected our way of working. Due to the measures such as lock-downs, sudden decisions about digital solutions had to be enforced to facilitate remote working, reduce costs in response to uncertain times and shift engagement from physical to virtual. Digital…

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A draft write up of the “Bots & Digital Infrapuncture” workshop

By Karin van Es Cristina Cochior and Manetta Berends, both researchers/designers operating in the Netherlands, developed an online workshop Bots and Digital Infrapuncture inspired by professor Deb Verhoeven’s concept “digital infrapuncture”. The aim of the workshop was to imagine bots in chat protocols that intervene in the assumptions on which the platforms are designed. The…

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Mapping best practices of ethically responsible data projects

Recently we started a new project together with the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) and seven municipalities. We will observe the implementation of data projects in seven different municipalities, starting from an initial data ethics impact assessment to their implementation into the public management process. Since 2016 we have had a lot of experience with…

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Data walking in Düsseldorf: A quick write up on the datafication of coffee bean roasting

by Karin van Es For the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Association for Cultural Management conference I was asked to organize a data walk. With four other participants we walked the city center of Düsseldorf using the theme “ownership” to frame our conversations as we defined, observed and reflected on data. The first fifteen minutes…

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5 Activities for Cultivating Tool Criticism Thinking

by Karin van Es The incorporation of computational tools in humanities research requires that we think critically about how these tools impact knowledge production. These tools, often adopted from the empirical sciences, have profound implications for data processing and interpretation. It is not surprising then that David Berry (2012) has called for a ‘third wave’…

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Opening DataWorkplace

Data School and Utrecht School of Governance cooperate since January in a joint research programme with the municipalities of Almere, Gouda and Woerden, and the Province South-Holland. The DataWorkplace investigates how datafication transforms public management and policy making. Six months into the project, a festive opening of the DataWorkplace took place at  18 September. Utrecht…

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ICA preconference #JODS

video registration JUSTICE AND ORDER IN THE DATAFIED SOCIETY: CONNECTING COMMUNICATIONS AND LEGAL THEORY Preconference  for ICA 2019, Washington DC, Friday May 24, 2019 held at the University of Washington School of Law Organized by: Nick Couldry (London School of Economics), Lina Dencik (Cardiff University), Karin van Es (Data School), and Andreas Hepp (University of…

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