Data School


Antisemitisme in de Nederlandse online-sfeer in 2020

Download rapport Aanleiding Het CIDI registreert jaarlijks antisemitische incidenten in haar Monitor Antisemitische Incidenten. In deze monitor worden echter uitsluitend meldingen van antisemitisme behandeld die zich afspelen in de fysieke sfeer. In het coronajaar 2020 waren fysieke ontmoetingen en interacties behoorlijk beperkt. Terwijl de samenleving noodgedwongen overwegend online communiceerde, bleven uitingen van antisemitisme in de…

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Utrecht University AI Lab Digital Humanities funding awarded to Data School for a co-financed PhD position with De Groene Amsterdammer

Principal investigator: Karin van Es (Data School) Co-applications: Mirko Tobias Schäfer and Joris Veerbeek (both Data School), Kees van Deemter (Information and Computing Sciences), Ayoub Bagheri (Methodology and Statistics), Beatrice de Graaf and Pim Huijnen (both History); PhD ‘Employing text classification models for journalistic inquiry on public debates‘ – Joris Veerbeek, MA Together with Dutch…

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New horizons

Starting March 1st, 2022, Data School (Data School) will become part of the Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) at Utrecht University under the joint deanship of the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Humanities.  Investigating the implications of AI and datafication for our digital society requires concerted interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary efforts. Over the past…

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Gezocht: Junior Onderzoeker Datawerkplaats

Deadline reageren: 15 maart 2022 Startdatum: per 1 april 2022 of per 1 mei 2022 Contractduur: in overleg Gezocht Data School, onderdeel van Universiteit Utrecht, zoekt een junior onderzoeker voor 0,2 fte (1 dag in de week). Salaris is conform dat van een student-assistent. Ben jij goed in het schakelen tussen verschillende partijen? Vind je…

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Call for Participants | Online Data School Summer School 2021: ‘Exploring Culture Through Data’

Are you curious, eager to learn and would you like to have an enriching experience during your summer holidays? The Data School Summer School would make a great opportunity! We are more than happy to invite you to the Utrecht Data Summer School 2021. From Monday 19th of July until Friday 23st of July, we…

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Van scherm naar straat

Nederlanders protesteren wat af. Zo klonk er afgelopen weekend nog in heel het land een #klimaatalarm en protesteerden mensen op het #Malieveld tegen de coronamaatregelen. Protestgroepen vinden elkaar op sociale media en roepen op tot protest. Hoe organiseren protestgroepen zich online en wat is de rol van de mainstream media hierin? In hoeverre zien we…

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Mapping best practices of ethically responsible data projects

Recently we started a new project together with the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) and seven municipalities. We will observe the implementation of data projects in seven different municipalities, starting from an initial data ethics impact assessment to their implementation into the public management process. Since 2016 we have had a lot of experience with…

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“There is a political and ethical component to data.”

“Data and algorithms offer many possibilities, but they are not neutral. What you analyse, which algorithms you build, the data you use and what for, these are political and ethical choices. Policy makers are insufficiently aware of this. Furthermore, basic knowledge of data literacy is absolutely necessary for local politicians.” That’s what the Dutch data…

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Governing the Digital Society is a new focus area at Utrecht University

One of the four newly identified focus areas at Utrecht University is Governing the Digital Society. Focus areas interdisciplinarily address research objects of societal relevance and develop novel ways of scientific inquiry. The four new focus areas will receive a total of 1,6 million Euro funding for the period September 2019 to August 2023. Big…

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